Friday, March 6, 2009

Rumor: PS4 GPU To Be Designed By Intel

Intel scores PlayStation 4 GPU design.
Tech site The Inquirer managed to coax some early details on the next generation of console while at CES 2009 earlier this year. The new report states that Intel has scored the contract for the next PlayStation GPU by essentially buying the bid.
The report continues that Intel was likely awarded the contract thanks to their healthy business, low debt and essentially, being a stable economy in today’s rock economy. Competitors ATI (owned by debt-laden AMD) and N’Vidia simply could not offer the same piece of mind.
On the flip side, ATI is reported as the front runner for PS4’s competitors, the Wii 2 and Xbox 3. ATI has designed all of the GPU’s in Nintendo’s system since they moved into the third dimension, so that is a no brainer. N’Vidia apparently buried themselves in Microsoft’s camp, due to their falling out over the original Xbox and issues with designing Vista’s Direct X 10.

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